Our team

Our team are unquestionably our greatest asset

Coaching and mentoring expertise: All of our team are qualified, experienced coach-mentors practicing with senior leaders and leadership teams.  They have practical not just theoretical understanding of coaching and mentoring and the benefits it brings.  Our team are thought leaders and innovators, developing new ways to connect the transformational power of coaching and mentoring to  the success of the individuals, teams and organisations they work with. 

Leadership Savvy: Our consultants are also experienced leaders themselves, with a real, hands-on understanding of how to create and sustain change.   You can expect them to think beyond performance to organisational health, beyond solving today’s problem to helping you create the future.  

Systemic Consulting: The team are experienced consultants with the capacity to understand and work with complex issues. They work with a systemic, appreciative approach, and use their coaching skills to ensure that they not only really listen to our clients but ask the challenging questions and give the insightful feedback that shifts understanding and opens up new options. 

Real partners: Our people are who we are.  They live and demonstrate our values, ethics and approach.  So you can expect professionalism, pragmatism, but above all real partners.  We aren’t here to create dependency on our expertise, but to share it.  Our aim is to build creative, collaborative partnerships with our clients that make them stronger, more successful and more resilient. 

Our team have a wide range of experience and expertise.  They live and work internationally and are culturally intelligent. Above all they are people you can trust, people who will add real value and who will put your success at the heart of their work.

You can find out more about our Coaching Team below.

Diane Newell

Diane Newell

Managing Director, OCM Discovery

Charlotte Bruce-Foulds

Charlotte Bruce-Foulds

Managing Director, OCM Educate & Coach Development

Jenny Whitfield

Jenny Whitfield

Consultant Coach-Mentor

Jon Horsley

Jon Horsley

Consultant Coach-Mentor

Monica Mundo - Consultant Coach Mentor

Monica Mundo

Consultant Coach-Mentor

Sarah Tennant

Sarah Tennant

Consultant Coach-Mentor

Amanda Hobbins

Amanda Hobbins

Associate Coach-Mentor

Annie Richardson

Annie Richardson

Associate Coach-Mentor

Graham Clark

Graham Clark

Associate Coach-Mentor

Anna McLean coach mentor

Anna McLean

Associate Coach-Mentor

Ayman Nasreldin

Ayman Nasreldin

Associate Coach-Mentor

Cathy Earley

Cathy Earley

Associate Coach-Mentor

Peter Young

Peter Young

Associate Coach-Mentor

Angela Keane

Angela Keane

Associate Coach-Mentor

Jackie Elliott

Jackie Elliott

Associate Coach-Mentor

Lesley Symons

Lesley Symons

Associate Coach-Mentor

Joan van den Brink

Joan van den Brink

Associate Coach-Mentor

Jennie Monon

Jennie Monon

Associate Coach-Mentor