Meet our coaches

Annie Richardson is passionate about people and her purpose is to inspire and empower all those she works with. She improves performance in leadership and business expertise by using heightened emotional intelligence to build rapport - Annie's shorthand for trust and understanding.
She finds enjoyment in helping others improve performance with heightened emotional intelligence to develop a clients’ personal skills alongside business expertise, drawing on over 25 years of her own career experience, holding senior positions in both Government and the IT industry, and she has held two board positions.
Annie uses a range of approaches, including psychological, business based, and conceptual leadership models to facilitate transformation change on both the individual and organisation.
Annie has over 20 years of coaching experience, working with individuals and teams from Executive board to High Potential talent from a wide range of sectors including Finance, Legal, Government, Technology, Retail, Automotive, and Pharmaceutical.
Clients would describe Annie’s energy as infectious, she connects quickly with people and supports transformational coaching interventions. Annie combines challenge with warmth and focus with sensitivity. Her high energy and enthusiasm enable her to establish powerful partnerships to support clients to achieve outstanding results.
She is qualified to use many psychometrics and values the viewpoint and insight that these can provide for her clients. She also draws on many leadership models and concepts that she uses in her own leadership work with a particular interest in communication and influence.
When I'm not at work
Annie lives in Oxford and enjoys good food and wine, she also likes to keep fit, in part to combat her love of food and wine.