Coaching Qualifications

Find the right coaching & mentoring qualifications course for you

The OCM (Oxford Coaching and Mentoring) have been market-leaders in the coaching qualifications and training market since we began in 1998, having trained almost 13,000 people in coaching and mentoring to date. As co-founders of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC), we helped create the professional standards and codes of ethics of the EMCC that are now used by other organisations including the ILM. We have been the only provider to partner with the CIPD to deliver their coaching and mentoring qualifications.

EMCC Accredited Foundation Level Coaching and Mentoring Qualification

Our ELECTRIC Online course (20 hours) teaches you to have great coaching or mentoring conversations, using core skills and practical approaches, including our own ELECTRIC model. These coaching qualifications are a great option for managers or leaders or anyone with responsibility for others at work.

Practitioner Level Coaching and Mentoring Qualifications

Our Certificate in Coach-Mentoring (50 hours)  teaches you how to have a formal coach-mentoring relationship with clients and will develop a flexible toolkit of tools, techniques and approaches. It's ideal if you're just starting or you work as an internal coach or mentor.

Our Diploma in Professional Coach-Mentoring (150 hours) is ideal for anyone wishing to develop a professional practice as a coach-mentor, who wants to develop a broad range of tools, techniques and approaches to support a wide range of development goals and challenges either inside an organisation or working independently.

Senior Practitioner Level Coaching and Mentoring Qualification

Hone and develop the special skills and qualities that coaches need, when working with senior teams with our 50-Hour Short Course Coaching Senior Teams.

Practitioner Level Supervision Qualification

Our Supervision in Coaching and Mentoring Certificate (50 hours) is ideal for experienced coaches and mentors who want to complete a practical qualification to develop the knowledge and skills to supervise other coaches and mentors.

Qualifications Table

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